{ This is the toughest poetic form, I have ever encountered. The rule is to write a poem where 1st and last letters of each line should read the title of the poem. To make it more challanging I kept my lines limited to ten syllables, though the last line is of seventeen syllables. I am glad that I finally managed to write a meaningful poem in this form.} A sky, that had been spreading blue aur a , T urned violet, then black, darkness was at bes t . A gain thou wrote poems, thou sat with a cup of te a D riving thy mind cart in a land, dusk cla d . U topia of thy dreams amazed tho u , S lowly nudged thy eyes into deepest thought s . K nots of long strings of thoughts unfurled that dus k . Y ou saw gone days flashing, thy yesterda y . R inging in thy ears, thy pasts sang a choi r . O n and on thou inked thy thoughts, thy pains to o . A nd then thou felt the delight of nostalgi a . D usk became night... Road of mind ended... Many words left uninked...unsai d . w...
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