Tale of a swallow :: Acrostic T o see that swallow in the sky I peep A nd count my shallow breaths, seeking peace in L oneliness-hollow like this ocean, deep. E stranged insides burn of a pirate's sin. O n and on I sail; swallow leaves his nest. F ear of a moment when its beats will cease: A heart beneath a swallow branded chest. S wallow does come back; miles to home decrease. W hen spring steps in with flowers in those trees A nd dry leaves on that dirty dusty road L eading to my shack, I do sleep with ease- L onesome my death bed, ocean my abode. O ver oceans my soul will linger on, W hether I come back or forever gone. NOTE: Sighting of swallows in the sky is believed to be a good omen among sailors. When swallows are sighted in the sky, sailors become hopeful that there may be an island nearby. Here the old pirate peeps for a glimpse of a swallow in the sky from his death bed, longing for his home. Again, sailors usually make swallow tattoos on their chests on covering every...
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