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Showing posts from August, 2011





( This is a palindrome poem. Please read it from top and then from bottom.) Again phoenix rises... Golden feathers And skin crimson... The rebirth of ashes and embers From Divine death undertaken... Had he died really? Enchantments vanquished... And Prevails tranquility... Pyre after rebirth YET Rebirth after pyre... Tranquility prevails And Vanquished enchantments really died... He had undertaken death divine... From embers and ashes of rebirth The crimson skin And feathers golden... Rises phoenix again...


Dusk was a dark one The sun kept hiding Creepy shadows lengthened And clouds kept roaring... Thunderbolts Howls of angry winds... You sat alone...alone Behind your lonely window And watched the cattle Returning from the pastures And the darkness Engulfing every single soul Sparing nothing Not even the windy howl... You felt the shadows growing Around your dark presence A creed of emotions Of some promised return Burnt your heart... You wrote poems Abstracted and dark About some dark history... Yet a drop fell From the stormy heavens And your dark eyes... The first drop of monsoons Perched on a green leaf With a melancholic tickle And a muted thud Ran along its spine... So did your emotions They creeped down you In some serpentine way Your pen felt restless... Rains poured on... On the thatched roofs And on muddy roads... A shadowy coolness Spreaded its wings You fell asleep With a restless heart... And you slept And slept... 


Monsoons bring coolness And pain Wakes the poet inside you Takes you back To the days of yore You live as a child And the raindrops pour... Monsoons bring pleasure And fun Closes your school You run and run Along the fields Raindrops splashing upon your face Wet soil soaks More and more drops Smell of earth puffs and puffs... The farmer yokes his oxen Sings the ballad of earthen men You do not go home A happiness and peace You were craving for Fills your heart... You tear your notes Float paper boats... Monsoon makes them sink Yet you never do think You make more and more Till your heart gets sore And the raindrops pour... Monsoons bring happiness And death... You sleep on grassy fields Facing the cloudy skies And rains wash your eyes... You see diamonds falling Pearls dashing down leaves You remember grannie's fables... And you close your eyes...