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Ages of sombre slumber
Preserves thy soul not
From the sabre o' desire

"Far from the folk they meet
in the dusk of a shrewd spring
glorying in tales of lust
trystic ballads they sing "

Divine inert eternity
rewards thou not
warmth of profane audacity

" Their willowy hands are wrapped
A tale of nails and lips
Those softest unkempt grass
Serve for the trystic sleeps "

O' poet, pretend not and sing
Of this tryst of springs
Of those small profane things

" ... Narrow eyes of heavens then flash
Fear grips like a venomous sting
promising return they part
still trystic ballads they sing... "

When those springs are gone
On our tryst's doom
A sombre monsoon's dusk,
some profane buds then bloom...


In this poem first, third and fifth verses are related to each other and second, forth and sixth ones are related to each other. The last verse is a standalone one. First group of verses convey my thoughts on the imagery that is described through the verses of the second group. The imagery is about how two lovers meet secretely and in the fear of being spotted part promising to meet again. The word tryst means a secret meeting of two people in love. The last verse tells that the promise is broken and they've not met again... The tryst is doomed. And on the crypt where our tryst is burried, some profane buds bloom on a monsoony dusk. Here buds refer to memories.


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